Looking back across Scissors Crossing to the valley I had just crossed.

The first week was an eye opener. It was my first time hiking in the low desert and experiencing heatwaves well over 100 degrees. I am not an expert at identifying plants, but I’m no beginner, either.  Hiking in the California desert, I was exposed to plants I had never seen before. It was a totally alien landscape to me. Manzanita tree? Never heard of it. I asked other hikers who were from California about some of the trees, but it wasn’t until reaching Agua Dulce, where the Vasquez Rocks Natural Park there had identification signs that I really got to know the flora of the area.

This section covers the journey to San Diego and the Mexico border near Campo, CA through the dry, hot desert 180 miles to Idyllwild, CA where I took a day off to attend a beer festival.

Blog:  PCT day 0/1 – Two days rolled into one

Blog:  PCT mm 24.4 – Introduction to desert hiking 101

Blog:  PCT mm 44.4 – I finally find actual trees

Blog:  PCT mm 68.4 – Magic shade tree

Blog:  PCT mm 93.2 – Hotter than hades

Blog:  PCT mm 118.5 – Trees at last

Blog:  PCT mm 142.8

Blog:  PCT mm Almost 179.1 – Into Idyllwild

Blog:  A day off in Idyllwild