Yesterday, I expected the emotion today to be comatose. But today has been quite busy doing chores literally Into the night.
After waking, the first order of business is coffee. There is a coffee maker in the room and it makes reasonably good coffee. There is a Starbucks at the resort but they don’t open until 8:00 a.m. and that might as well be noon in my books.
I reheat a slice of leftover pizza, then check my laundry to see if everything is dry. Everything is good to go except for one pair of shorts. The water shoes are even bone dry.
I start working on blog posts because I am behind by several days. I actually write them and schedule them to automatically publish about 5 days later. This way I can keep a steady stream of posts even when I don’t have good cell signal.
I am also blogging for another site,, but those blogs span regions of the trail and not days of my hike. But they still take a lot of time to prepare and publish. I also scheduled those to publish after several days of delay.
Once 8:00 rolls around, I head over to the general store to grab a croissant and a milk. Back at the room it is more blogging.
Just before noon, I decide it’s warm enough outside to go hit the pool. I swim for about 30 minutes and spend a few minutes in the hot tub stretching my legs. It really feels good and my feet are actually pretty clean now. I love smelling like chlorine.
After changing into dry clothes, I head over to the main restaurant to check it out. It is a limited menu but they have some decent selections. I order a patty melt and fries. I wanted a salad but they don’t have any side salads. They are only full dinner salads. I do not want that much salad.
Back at the room, it is more blogging. I also spend time backing up videos from the cameras to the phone. Videos are definitely harder to deal with than photos on a phone.
At some point I decided it’s time to open the box. And as expected, it is a massive amount of food. Not all of it is going to fit in the food bag. I wonder how heavy the pack is going to be tomorrow.
There is a post office on the resort and I was hoping that I could mail some excess equipment back home. But the post office only mails out letters, not parcels. They don’t ever really open either. It’s just a slot in a wall to drop letters into.
The cell service is almost non-existent here. And the Wi-Fi is so bad did it takes forever to upload just a few images for each blog post. Most of the time they failed to upload and I have to try four or five times before they work.
The current blog post I’m working on refuses to upload any images. I need to go to one of the main buildings to try and get a stronger Wi-Fi signal. I might as well grab dinner at the same time.
I go back to the general store to get a sandwich. While I am waiting I walk around the various buildings looking for the strongest Wi-Fi signal. There is a picnic table right behind the general store that has a full signal. I grabbed my sandwich and headed to picnic table to begin uploading.
Even with the stronger signal, one of the images refuses to upload. It takes me nearly 45 minutes to get the one image up to the web. This blogging stuff really is a significant chore. But I enjoy doing it. I just like having a better signal while doing it.
Back at the room it is more blogging. In fact it is now 11:00 p.m. and I’m still blogging. I am starting to become comatose but not in the way I was expecting yesterday.
Emotion of the Day
It is definitely not comatose. I think frustrated is the word for today.
What should been a day of swimming, sleeping, and watching TV, has become a day of fighting with the internet. I’m not sure which is worse – bad internet or bad blisters.
I did manage to swim for 30 minutes and watch TV for an hour. But other than that it has been cleaning, packing, and blogging. With the emphasis on blogging.
It’s more fun being in the woods.
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